literary lion Nature

Literary Lion – “Sun” – Sun is the Energy for Life

This post is in response to the blogging event of “Literary Lion” sponsored by Laura Gabrielle Feasey each fortnight. This event serves as an inspiration to writers to weave their stories, poetry or essays around a prompt provided by the literary lion. This fortnight’s prompt is “Sun”.

Rising Sun
Rising Sun

The Rising Sun

The Sun emerges from behind the mountains and clouds of Darkness sprouting like an orange surrounded by lots of floating pink feathers and radiant glows of pink and then transforming into a yellow ball emitting golden rays of hope and promises of new life into the world.

The whole nature awakens with freshness and fragrance of flowers and greenery of grass, plants and leaves. The birds singing chirping tunes, welcoming the Sun, sitting on the wires, roofs of buildings and branches of trees. The temple bells celebrating the occasion spreading melodious tunes throughout the air. Holy people rendering  grand reception with folded hands, offering waters and prayers, thereby purifying their bodies in the bliss of those golden rays. The whole world springs to life and activity.

Sun is the energy for our life

Sun provides the most essential Vitamin D for our body. Sunlight protects us from all diseases and viral bacteria. He provides the light without which one can not survive. He is one of the 5 essential elements of our body. All life on earth is possible because of his presence. So many seers regard him as the physical form of God.

One who does not avail these blissful moments of early hours of sun rise is deprived of many benefits and may be prone to diseases. So, awake early and try to benefit from all these plus points of beautiful sunrise and start your day with freshness and recharged energy.

By Venkat Acharya

A senior citizen, retired accountant from the cement industry. Developed a passion for writing after retirement in 2010. Even though the writing is in his blood because of his father who has been a good writer and artist, Venkat started writing only from 2012 onwards (because of his busy workload during employment). His writings are mainly focussed on lifestyle tips, recipes, and Finance/Economics topics. Later, he started creative writing topics also at HubPages besides other online assignments. He loves art, music, reading books of different genres, expressing his views on various matters. Further, he self-published a book titled "Introduction to Economics" based on his own knowledge and experiences in a KDP book form as well as a Paperback at Amazon which is available only for $2 at this link:

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