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Literary Lion: ‘Drink me’

They gathered in protest of injustice, vowing to abstain from food and drink. But the pepsi bottle hanging was hypnotising – “Drink me”, “Drink me”. (24 words)


This post is in response to the literary lion blogging event for this fortnight which can be viewed by clicking at this link.

By Venkat Acharya

A senior citizen, retired accountant from the cement industry. Developed a passion for writing after retirement in 2010. Even though the writing is in his blood because of his father who has been a good writer and artist, Venkat started writing only from 2012 onwards (because of his busy workload during employment). His writings are mainly focussed on lifestyle tips, recipes, and Finance/Economics topics. Later, he started creative writing topics also at HubPages besides other online assignments. He loves art, music, reading books of different genres, expressing his views on various matters. Further, he self-published a book titled "Introduction to Economics" based on his own knowledge and experiences in a KDP book form as well as a Paperback at Amazon which is available only for $2 at this link:

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