lifestyle literary lion

Literary Lion- “Time”: My Reflections on Time

This post is in response to a weekly challenge titled “Literary Lion” organised by Laura Feasey. The details of the event are available at this Link.

My Reflections on Time

Time is the most valuable moment of your Life. It is an ever flowing, constantly moving factor in your life. It starts with your birth and ends only with your death. But “Time” in itself has no birth or death. I am using these words of ‘start’ and ‘end’ of time because it has importance for you only while you are in this world. You don’t have any worry for time before your birth or after your death. So, whatever you bother of time is during your life only. So, try to make use of it as beneficially as possible in your life.

For me, time has left many bitter memories and sad events of life, even though there have been some occasions of joy and celebrations.

1950s have witnessed my birth and my childhood, careless of any worries of house, spending most time in school or plays at the backyard with like minded children. Not bothered about hot summers and flooded rains. One bitter memory was the horrible manually scavenged toilets that used to be flooded with flies all the times. And some more bitter events were the floods that carried away some poor labourers’ huts along with their belongings in our neighbourhood.

1960s have seen my mother’s death and responsibilities pouring on me as I had to help father in cooking, marketing and take care of my younger siblings besides concentrating on my studies.

1970s have seen my father’s death and our shift to a remote village under uncle’s care for two years to complete my Degree. Then, it was a complete permanent shift to a far off place 1800 km away with entirely different culture for my job where my elder brother was working. The same decade saw my marriage and some happy days with my wife and birth of my both sons.

Then, from 1980 onwards, it has been full of life struggles in family because of my work pressure, low income, mistreatments by relatives who disliked their own daughter (my spouse) and other incidents. I couldn’t afford higher studies for children. Wife got mental disturbances, BP, Diabetes,etc. Then, we returned to here where younger son settled very well. But my wife expired in 2010.

So, I advice all to make best use of time by planning everything in advance and make life better.

By Venkat Acharya

A senior citizen, retired accountant from the cement industry. Developed a passion for writing after retirement in 2010. Even though the writing is in his blood because of his father who has been a good writer and artist, Venkat started writing only from 2012 onwards (because of his busy workload during employment). His writings are mainly focussed on lifestyle tips, recipes, and Finance/Economics topics. Later, he started creative writing topics also at HubPages besides other online assignments. He loves art, music, reading books of different genres, expressing his views on various matters. Further, he self-published a book titled "Introduction to Economics" based on his own knowledge and experiences in a KDP book form as well as a Paperback at Amazon which is available only for $2 at this link:

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